Why the OP Baby Doesn’t Turn

Most babies presenting in a posterior position will rotate to either occiput anterior or occiput transverse. The cesarean rate is higher for OP babies than OA babies (but not OT babies as a group). Why a Posterior Baby Stays Posterior Studies show there are often specific reasons a posterior baby stays posterior. Certain causes […]
Labor and Birth with Spinning Babies® Featuring Lorenza Holt

Dear friends, Join Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer – Lorenza Holt, MPH, BDT (DONA), BCCE for one of seven workshops. We are offering both the Labor and Birth with Spinning Babies® Workshop and the Spinning Babies® Workshop. Lorenza is Executive Director of Boston Association For Childbirth Education (BACE-NMC), and the Nursing Mothers’ Council. She’s also the winner […]
Spinning Babies® April Update

Our April Update features Fascia, Brazil SpBCPE registration, birth story, relaxation techniques, new workshops, and more! Read below! Exploring Fascia Dear friends, I’m just coming back from a three-week exploration of how Spinning Babies® might incorporate a broader understanding of fascia. Fascia is the 3-dimensional, mobile web of connective tissue which supports and even makes […]