Parent Education and Fetal Position

Spinning Babies® is sensitive to the fine line between informing and alarming when it comes to baby positions. There are debates about whether to tell a pregnant person their baby is posterior. Why not tell the truth? Fetal position is changeable (but this is often left to chance because why fetal position changes at the […]
Breech Tilt

The Breech Tilt is a widely-known inversion technique using gravity to help a breech baby flip to a head-down position. Before doing the Breech Tilt, I suggest doing the Forward-Leaning Inversion for 30 seconds first and then going ahead with the Breech Tilt. One daily Forward-leaning Inversion is recommended after 20 weeks gestation for any […]
Birth with an Intact Hymenal Ring
I’d like to discuss birth over the intact hymenal ring. A doctor showed me how she avoids cutting the perineum. Midwives and doctors often miss recognizing an intact hymenal ring and instead see the following situation as in indication for episiotomy. Notice when there has been a complete halt in descent after the baby […]