Spinning Babies® Before Turning a Breech (ECV)

Spinning Babies  

Maíra, Gail, and Mariane Menezes  Midwife Maíra Liberdade and Dr. Marcos Nakamura work together in Rio de Janeiro to reduce cesareans due to breech presentation. They offer External Cephalic Versions for parents pregnant with a breech baby to turn the baby head down.   Midwife Maíra has a unique suggestion. When an External Cephalic Version is […]

Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Story

Spinning Babies  

Midwife Melody Morrow, a well known midwife and Spinning Babies enthusiast in Dallas, Texas shares the story of her own sister Harmony’s breech experience. An ECV was attempted by a trusted and breech-skilled doctor. The baby remained breech.  In this case, Melody’s little nephew’s arm got up behind his head. The doctor, skilled in vaginal […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.