Deciding About Interventions

You can aid your chance of a vaginal birth by activities before and during childbirth to make room for your baby. Easier birth for babies means easier birth for mothers. I ask women making decisions about their pregnancy and birth a question to help them know their own minds. “If you imagine yourself a year […]
40 Weeks, Lots of Fluid, Baby Not Engaged
Congratulations on your baby, beautiful Mama! You’ve made it to 40 weeks and have much reason to be proud! But you’re doctor has expressed a concern that the baby’s head is not yet in the pelvis. Julie checks to see if her baby’s head is in the pelvis and finds that is not. This […]
The New Face of America’s Breech Experts
Many hospital systems have taken to denying their doctors give vaginal breech birth care for families carrying breech babies. These are physicians who’ve devoted their lives to giving excellent obstetrical care. I believe they have a right to provide that care. I believe midwives who obtain the added expertise also have the right to provide […]
Face Presentation
Some of us like to face the music, face the facts, turn to the light, face life full on… The baby who is coming face first, or face presentation, most often is born fine in this position. There may be a little slow down after ten centimeters which can be helped by standing in a […]
FYI, F. L. I. Is Knee High
How high the couch? Inverting safely Anisa asked, “Can anyone guide me about Forward-leaning inversion? What should be the height of the couch from which we are going to lean downwards.” The answer is within… Or, rather on you? It’s the height of your knee. Since women come in different heights, I’d suggest you see […]