Confluence of Birth and Bodyworker
Like two rivers merging to flourish the earth, the Spinning Babies 2016 World Confluence joins birth and bodyworkers to address the increasing rates of fetal positioning challenges. This conference brings top names in birth and bodywork together with rising stars whom you may not have heard of yet. Wednesday, September 21, we’ll invite our international […]
Waterbirth and Breeches
I’ve been talking about maternal positions in general and the previous blog post gives you basic knowledge. This post talks about water birth and breech. For the safe breech water birth you need to have uterine moment and an open pelvis. Cornelia Enning, German Midwife, solved that by having the mother standing in a rain […]
Levels of the Pelvis

Picking birth positions is easier when you know which part of the pelvis to make bigger. Where’s Baby Now? The baby turns at three of the five levels of the pelvis to find the most room to come through the pelvis. The top, middle, and bottom of the pelvic tunnel each have their own shape […]