Is Down Dog the Same as Forward-leaning Inversion?

I love the yoga position called Down Dog, but it is not a Forward-leaning Inversion! Down Dog in yoga is good for lengthening hamstrings and opening shoulders when done correctly. Knees can also be bent. Down Dog offers a different set of benefits than Forward-leaning Inversion. Downward Dog and the Forward-leaning Inversion (FLI) accomplish different […]
Olive Marie’s Elevator Birth: Using the Abdominal Lift & Tuck to Engage Baby
Melissa Thornton shares her fourth baby’s birth story. She wouldn’t have found it so funny if she didn’t have other births to compare: “I will start by saying that this pregnancy has been a major blessing from day one. I was sick in the beginning but after that felt great. I slept great, gained the […]
Happy Breech-Cephalic Twin Birth
Midwife Jewel shares a happy birth story: “Kathryn came to me at 8+6 wks gestation. At the time her fundal height was more like 15-16 weeks. We talked about possibility of twins, dates being off, how she often measured large for dates early in her other pregnancies. She wanted to wait until 20 weeks for […]