Encouragement to a New Baby Spinner

There is much for a birth worker (doula, nurse, midwife, family medicine or obstetrician) to learn at Spinning Babies. There is often a transitionary phase between workshop and confidence. Observe the mother with your new paradigm and listen to intuitive guidance. From this gentle approach you begin introducing comfort measures and balancing activities appropriate to […]

What I’ll Talk About at Lamaze Dona Conference 2014

 September 18, 2014 from 8-noon, I’ll be talking how educator’s can gracefully talk about malposition in labor. Come on down to Kansas City! https://www.lamazedona2014.org/p/cm/ld/fid=473 Resolving Fetal Malposition in Labor; An Educator’s Opportunity Presented by Gail Tully, CPM, CD (DONA) Given the increased complication and intervention rates of posterior and asynclitic babies childbirth educators and doulas […]

His Flipping Was the Talk of OB

 Edited Emails, (Consultation call missing) KC Teasley writes,   Dear Gail, I wish to have a natural birth with no medical intervention. My baby is incomplete breech with his left foot by his face. He is also turned to my left. My amniotic fluid levels fluctuate between 14 and 10 percent. I’ve never given birth. […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.