Help! I Want to Avoid Induction

A woman wrote in seeking advice on how to avoid induction at 41 weeks pregnant. Hello Gail, I appreciate that you probably receive many emails and completely understand that you do not have the time to respond directly to everybody. Even if you don’t get the chance to respond I would like to thank you […]
Labor Isn’t Starting or Starts and Stops?
Baby is engaged – dipped into pelvis To begin, we have to help the baby into the pelvis to get effective contractions: (info) (what to do) For everyone in a leisurely start of labor: Perhaps quite useful: If you feel little kicks and wiggles in front: Sifting with rebozo, […]
Cut, Stapled, and Mended – Gail’s Review
Dear Roanna, I’m three-fourths way through your book. I’ve laughed out loud so many times at your brilliant descriptions of small business, family bed, nursing, alternative healing, and more. Your descriptions of your birth journey astonishes me again and again, not in that you are concise and insightful about the trauma and challenges you went […]