Spinning Babies Model at the Class

When I do a Spinning Babies class, I ask the local hostess(es) to ask a local pregnant woman to come be our morning model. From 10:30-12 she helps us with Belly Mapping and the Pregnancy Protocol, heavily featuring Dynamic Body Balancing (Dr. Carol Phillips, DC). In Atlanta, GA, the first full day, and a Saturday […]

How I Came to Be the Spinning Babies Lady

Leslie Lytle, a sponsor for the Spinning Babies and Resolving Shoulder Dystocia Workshops in Richmond, VA this year (2011) asked me how I came to the concepts behind my approach. I didn’t come through academia. The community called me out. In the hospital, I saw babies handled at birth with no understanding of their awareness […]

Pelvic Floor Protection

A Spinning Babies visitor- “I along with many women, would greatly appreciate any info you could provide as to what to do during pregnancy and especially during the pushing phase that would prevent pelvic organ prolapse (rectocele, cystocele, uterocele, etc.) from occurring, or at least help keep any current prolapse from worsening.” For your pelvic […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.