Frank Breech Home Birth

I’ve just been given permission to post this lovely breech home birth video. This is a third baby, her second natural (vaginal) birth and first home birth for this family. The baby was small and full term. Apgar Scores were 10 and 10. You also see the first 30 seconds after the birth. The t-shirt […]

Breech Sifting

Ok, I haven’t been blogging for a while. Two breech labors lately. Were still waiting for footage from the first to be edited and in the second family the poor little breech guy couldn’t line up on the pelvis so thankfully the warm folks at Hudson, WI welcomed the family in for care and ultimately […]

Natural Birth Is Economically Necessary

Natural birth practices are less expensive as well as better for healthy women and their healthy babies. Even high risk mothers have better health outcomes when lower tech methods and locations are generally used (Margaret Tew). The key is knowing how to combine healthy holistic practices with the rare need for medical technology and intervention. […]

Birth in MN Newspaper!

The Star and Tribune has run three articles lately all favorable to midwifery and childbirth. You wouldn’t think anyone would be opposed to childbirth, would you? Anyway, these articles were glowing. Thank you to reporters Chen May Yee and Josephine Marcotty! Where C-sections are few highlights the work of midwives and physicians at St. Joseph’s […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.