Friends in the News

Here are a couple cool articles about this “natural birth trend” and they are about friends of mine.Our local Paula Bernini Fiegal’s Birth Center was in the news again with luscious photos of her St. Louis Park mama’s at her new Birth Center on Excelsior Blvd. Read the Star and Trib article.And Orgasmic Birth Website […]

Doulas Reform Health Care for 1.5 Million

Another sample of real Health Reform! Thank you, Illinois Senator Durbin!! He worked hard, with others, I’m sure, to get federal monies for community doulas. “Research shows women who use doulas have a significantly lower risk of cesarean, use of medication and other interventions, which helps to reduce rates of maternal and infant morbidity and […]

Minnesota Passes Birth Center Law

“Time to celebrate! “The governor signed the birth center bill into law this morning, May 21, 2010! You can see for your self at: “What an incredible day for birth centers, midwives, and childbearing women! We are the first state to have equal reimbursement for CPMs written into law. Women on medicaid now have […]

A Beautiful Controversy on Breast Feeding

THE PROBLEM WITH BREASTFEEDING The Breast Way’s interview with James Akre. Read a perspective that will take you deeper than the jingle. A symphony beyond our time, but one that will be playing soon upon the hearts of mothers and the lips of babes: “Removing this inert pediatric fast-food from the kitchen pantry and returning […]

Art-a-Whirl Belly Mapping

First thing, today, Vic and I picked up my glass fusing pendants from Glass Endeavors and stopped out back of the 331 Club to hear The Roe Family Singers with Vic’s Kurt playing mandolin. Kim and Quillan Roe’s little 15-month-old girl, Elspeth warmed up with the band by grabbing the mike and imitating her mama.Kim […]

Belly Mapping in Michigan Center

Patty Brennan is a Michigan Midwife and Doula trainer with a wide range of excellent and unique education for parents, doulas and midwives on her Center for the Childbearing Year Website. She offers a dual purpose Belly Mapping and Palpation class to parents and aspiring midwives. (What a brilliant idea!) Patty has nice things to […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.