Minnesota Birth is Live

Gail’s new website, MinnesotaBirth.com is live and growing. A referral source for birth and pregnancy related services and products in Minnesota. Word of mouth referral is key here. Not meant to be a corporate site, this is a friendly, grass roots info site for birthing in Minnesota. Its just developing, so be patient. Send your […]

Birth Centers in Minnesota

Read the health care article in the Minneapolis Tribune, called DFLers vow to fight for health care aid. Senator Linda Berglin, D, has shared her Birth Center bill wording with Minnesota Better Birth Coalition lead, Susan Lane. Susan then showed us Trillium midwives who have been attending the coalition meetings. Susan in fact, had showed […]

Inversion after baby flips?

Several women have emailed in asking what they should do after their breech babies flipped to head down. At this time, I recommend continuing to do a short, 30-second inversion on most days. Here is Chiropractor and Craniosacral Therapist, Carol Phillips helping a mother do an inversion and an inset to show the uterus hanging […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.