Referring to Spinning Babies

Chiropractors and Midwives, doulas and childbirth educators, Hypnobirthers and; it seems like Spinning Babies is getting referrals from all over the birthing world. What makes Spinning Babies useful? What would you like to see more of? Let’s dialogue. Join the Spinning Babies Facebook group. Or, comment here. Here’s today’s fun email: “thank you for […]

Palpating today

Clare Welter and I were invited to palpate (feel with our hands) this Mama’s baby both yesterday and today. Clare took these photos today. Yesterday the baby was breech. I asked to attend the Ultrasound today and if I could palpate again, before the ultrasound, to draw a picture of what position the baby seemed […]

Midwives and Spinning Babies

For those of us who learned midwifery before the late 90s, before the fusion of midwifery education with the homebirth world, before doulas and Penny Simkin’s physical therapy techniques came to the aid of birthing women, the idea of midwife-directed techniques for labor progress seemed out of step with homebirth. Concern about a baby’s position […]

Home Birth Surge

New York Times Home and Garden section featured an article on homebirth- Bringing Baby Home. “…in 2006 home births accounted for only one-half of 1 percent of the city’s 125,506 reported births. But local midwives say they have been swamped with calls and requests in recent months, in some cases increasing their workload from two, […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.