ACOG’s loose cog on homebirth and Gail’s comments

I got an email from my friend Debra Pascali Bonaro today. She’s always up to date. She sent along the following statement from American College of Obtetricians and Gynecologists. Wow, see ACOG’s news release below against Home Birth… ACOG must be feeling threatened from all the discussion about Home birth…The Business of Being Born and […]

Minneapolis Birth ranks high

Alisa Blackwood, a local doula here, sent this around today: Fit Pregnancy magazine has named Minneapolis the 2nd best city to have a baby in (behind Portland, Ore.). One of the reasons? “Minneapolis has one doula for every 37 live births, the highest ratio in our survey. The national average is one doula per 649 […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.