Due date?

“My baby will be born on its birthday, not its due date. I am not in a hurry. I am not on a schedule. I am patient. When I am in labor, I will not rely on the clock to tell me how fast to go. I am not a factory. I am a powerful […]

Helping with the birth of twins

I was thrilled to be invited to help out two of my friend midwives with a family expecting twins. I’d only been to one homebirth twin birth and that was early on when even squeezing the bulb syringe deserved a review. After meeting me, the parents agreed to include me as one of their midwives. […]

The hazards of induction may be worse than you thought

Induction of labor is a phrase meaning that labor contractions are encouraged by external means. Drug induced labor can be brought on with Pitocin in an IV drip, prostaglandin gels or a pill, cytotec (misoprostol). Dr. Michel Odent (www.birthworks.org/primalhealth) writes of the concerns about Induction and autism in Midwifery Today Online Magazine. Please read the […]

Rotating a posterior baby in pregnancy

Meanwhile, the woman in the previous post (from earlier today) realized her baby had been left occiput posterior (LOP). “His” back had been on her left and his fingers busy in front. The baby rode high and she couldn’t lean forward without discomfort for herself and, she suspected, for her baby. I then felt her […]

Can this help hip and lower back pain?

I was asked by a second-time mother if she and her husband could come over and see what we could do about her hip pain. The pain went from the hip across the lower back at that level. She had it in the first pregnancy and this one, and was due in a month and […]

Will doing an inversion turn a head down baby breech?

Q: “I have been doing several things to get my baby flipped. I am now 32.5 weeks pregnant. At my 32 week appointment my doctor said the baby is breech. Since then I have started seeing a Chiro for the webster technique, and have been doing moxibustion. My problem is that this baby moves ALL […]

After 3 cesareans, a home birth

Here is a woman’s truly inspirational story. Watch Aidan’s birth. Shown on onetruemedia.com As a midwife, I have been blessed to share several such journeys. Theresa’s comments depict her emotional feelings. She had a transforming experience before her VBAC — a common element to success. The chiropractic work was also likely to be crucial. Come […]

One baby’s song to his Obstetrician

This Dad, singing for the baby boys and girls out there (“in there?”) has got something to say to all of us about induction, bonding and more! Ready to smile? Click here to hear the Obstetrician Song. Its on the Compleat Mother web site. Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog. www.spinningbabies.com

Why does the position of the head matter?

A teapot will show us why it matters that things fit. The lid won’t come off crooked, but will come off after rotating to the proper position. Its the same thing with some of our babies. They may not be able to slip through the pelvis -until they rotate to a better angle. Come visit […]

Empowering (Movie) Birth

I don’t follow the Hollywood stars but I have heard the name Rikki Lake. She’s put together a movie about birth in America. Her birth, her friend’s birth. She calls it The Business of Birth. Its reaching the tv generation and ends with a warning from Dr. Michel Odent on the importance of labor hormones. […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.