The Elephant Birth

See the elephant tribe give birth. This elephant mother moves instinctively. Watch her legs. She isn’t trying to kick the baby. She is easing the stretching she feels in her hips and the weight she feels bearing down into her upper thighs. I may be heady to define why she moves this way, but I’ve […]

Marketing Birth

Hospitals spend millions to draw parents each year. What are we in the natural birth and home birth movement doing to make birth “as nature intended” attractive to parents? Today I attended a Writers’ Festival in my town’s city hall. That’d be Bloomington, Minnesota.Marketing You and Your Book was a panel discussion that lured me […]

Cord cutting

In the 1950s some cord cutting data was obtained. The recommendation to delay cord cutting was made. Sometimes it takes 50 years for a good idea to take. Here’s a current study that states the benefit again: Delay Cutting the Umbilical Cord, Research Suggests By Amanda GardnerHealthDay ReporterTuesday, March 20, 2007; 12:00 AM TUESDAY, March […]

Tough thoughts on caring for others while Doula-ing my elderly mom

I haven’t written for a while. Its been three weeks since my 82 year-old mom entered the VA hospital. (Getting great care, by the way!) My sister and I have been with her everyday. A couple of her dear friends have been by most days. Her lung had collapsed and she struggled with little air […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.