Minnesota Doula Bill

Susan Lane, of the Childbirth Collective non profit doula group, reports that the 2007 version of the doula bill, bill 1296, has been accepted in the House of Representatives in the Minnesota Legislature.The Senate also has a version of the bill. The goal is to include doula care coverage by Minnesotan’s health maintenance organizations and […]

The Tipping Point of Birth?

The book, The Tipping Point, by Macolm Gladwell reports on how small ideas grow among the right combination of people grow to marketing miracles or tragic epidemics of harmful behavior. He dehttps://www.spinningbabies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/sample3-1.pngs how some creative thinkers designed children’s educational shows to stick in the children’s head until they actually did offer an educational benefit. Can […]

Socialized medicine or socially engineered dis-ease?

I’ve been hearing that Universal Health care is a good thing for a long time. Certainly certain aspects of that would be wonderful. Like emergency care for people who now are left to suffer or die. Here in Minnesota we have an ethic of helping each other and giving to social agencies to help those […]

First look

copyright 2006 Gail Tully Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog. www.spinningbabies.com

Morning window

As I sit at the computer and type this am, the sky is a bright winter blue. Sunlight angles low across the thin blanket of snow. The cool browns of four oaks and a basswood cast purple lines upon the lawn. Upwards, hundreds of dappled branches across the blue. Four cardinals cluster close amidst the […]

Another transverse baby!

She wrote:i just found out at my 35 week appt, my baby has its head at my right hip, and back down at my left hip.i am a firm believer that God can do anything, and I have been praying, but i am scared to death to have a c-section, but that is all i […]

Praise Report

“Hey, Gail, this is Maureen,” the message on the phone said.“I’m just sharing a praise report. We just got the ultrasound back and Emily’s baby’s head is down. And I am giving credit to God and to your hands that He used and your technique to get that head down. Thank you so much for […]