Web wisdom needed

In trying to ask what Spinning Babies Web readers need I find that the lack of comments may have to do with not having the blog linked on my website! What I need is web wisdom. Jen’s Lactavist blog is charming. Found a smart preview of shoulder dystocia techniques and added a post myself. There […]

What do you need?

I often wonder what the readers of Spinning Babies Website need. How could the main site be better for you personally?This is an informal survey. Please post a comment to tell me what would make this site better so that you can find the information you want about fetal positioning. I have more ideas than […]

A woman's right?

Why is it called a woman’s right when only physicians are given the right to do it? Which phrase would be better for business? A woman’s right or a physician’s right? If it weren’t a business matter why would abortion be illegal outside a physician’s facility? If it weren’t called a woman’s right would we […]

A Positive View on What to do for Safe Childbirth

I realize that in my last post I propose the problem of status quo in the demise of maternity care. What might be more constructive for parents seeking change is to read about what does improve the birth experience. Some organizations have devoted much effort developing guidelines . Lamaze has transformed itself over the last […]

Just for fun, birth photographer

I love to photograph births, but this birth photographer surprised even me.See birth of healthy, hip Japanese baby. If you can’t see video screen, click here. Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog. www.spinningbabies.com

Don't tell a Transverse lie

The Spinning Babies Website has evolved by adding articles, or posts in a way, addressing the various questions I have received about posterior babies and fetal positioning over the last five years. Currently, the most frequent question has been what to do about a baby that is lying in the womb sideways. This position is […]

Learning about Blogs

I’ve been reading Blogging for Your Business by Byron and Broback, and have gotten inspired. I read Christy Santoro’s https://midwifeinmorocco.blogspot.com/ and am even more inspired. But I’m a little lost in the where to click to make it come alive. My hope is that more people in the natural birth, homebirth movement will blog and […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.