Linsey Griffith

Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator (SpBCPE)

Linsey has been a birth professional since 2009 and has attended almost 300 births. She is a compassionate and experienced Doula, Childbirth Educator, Certified Lactation Counselor, and Placenta Encapsulator. She completed Labor Doula training with DONA in 2009 & 2017 and with ToLabor in 2015. She is currently certified with DONA. She certified with HypnoBirthing International in 2013 and certified with Lamaze in 2019. She is also a Certified Lactation Counselor with the Center For Breastfeeding since 2018. She trained with IPPA for Placenta Encapsulation and DONA for Postpartum Doula and Waterbirth International. She is also Rebozo and TENS unit certified. Linsey lives in Delaware, Ohio with her husband Ken and her two children, Tesla and Finnegan.


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