Anterior Placenta

Anterior Placenta

An anterior placenta is a placenta located on the front of the uterus. Most of your sensations of baby’s small limb movements may be hidden behind the placenta.

What is the effect of an anterior placenta on fetal positioning?

The anterior placement of the placenta may increase the chance of posterior presentation (see drawing).

Babies can also be anterior with an anterior placenta. How?
Abdominal tone when loosened may allow the baby to turn from the placenta and face the mother’s back. A gentle Rebozo sifting (Manteada) may help baby be anterior when repeated regularly. Be Gentle, please.


How to Take Care of Your Placentadrawing-of-hands-behind-placenta

  • Eat greens, easy to digest proteins (peanut butter and processed meat is not easy to digest) and salt to taste, whole grains and butter or avocados, almonds, and other “smart” fats rather than corn oil or fried fats.
  • Don’t jolt your pregnant body by dropping into forward-leaning inversion suddenly. Wear a seat belt. Avoid smoking and drugs that may harm the placenta and a baby.

For more details on anterior placenta check the upcoming membership access.

*Reference: Gardberg and, Mikael; Tuppurainen, Marketta. Anterior placental location predisposes for occiput posterior presentation near term. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica  1994, Vol. 73, No. 2, Pages 151-152. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vaasa Central Hospital, Vaasa, Finland

Anterior placental location influences onset and progress of labor and postpartum outcome. M. Torricelli, et al. Placenta Journal. April 2015 Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 463–466

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